The Voider is a small experimental game in which you try to restore the universe to its former darkness.  

Made in 3 days for the Mini Jam 67: Void

Mini jam is a 72-hour-long, game development jam for independent game developers that occurs every two weeks.

v0.2.0 Release Notes

  • Added EXTREME mode.
  • Removed exit function as the game is exclusively for WebGL now.
  • New TonzGuy logo.


Pass near the light platforms to extinguish them. You gain points by doing so, and if you manage to maintain a combo, you'll get a multiplier that will allow you to score more points at the end. 


Use LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to move your player. If you need to catch up, you can use LEFT SHIFT to rotate faster. Use ESC at any time to show the pause menu.


Hard Mode: "Walkman" by LukHash

Extreme Mode: "Thermal" by Evan King


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That's a really nice game! My only concern is that the tilting doesn't feel very smooth and that you only see where you need to go at the last second but otherwise it's a very nice gam